Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 19

Back Squat 120
Pullups 0

I want to start Low-Bar squatting for dat hamstring development. Beats deadlifting and beats doing leg curls..

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 18

Day 15
Back squat 110
Pullups +16

Day 16
Front squat 105
DB press 27.5

Day 17
Back squat 120
Rows triples @ 35

So, I think the Strength Standards changed a bit. Posting updated versions of 60 and 67:

127.5 Squat
155.0 Deadlift
  95.0 Bench Press
  57.5 Press

142.5 Squat
172.5 Deadlift
107.5 Bench Press
  62.5 Press

Day 18
Deadlift 135
DB bench triples @ 35 fives @ 32.5